Check below to see a list of free previews of Fubo programming, including the available dates, which channels are being previewed and who is eligible for the preview. Any programming included in a free preview you are eligible for will be automatically added to your account at no additional charge during the available dates.
Once the free preview ends, channels will automatically be removed from your account. No action is necessary on your part.
Important Note: Free previews are available to current Fubo subscribers, and differ from any free trials that may be offered when first signing up for Fubo service. To learn more about how free trials work, go here.
Recent Free Previews
Please note: Free previews are not available for Roku-billed accounts. Your account must be billed through Fubo in order to access a free preview.
Preview | Dates Available | Channels Included | Who is Eligible? |
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First, make sure the plan you're subscribed to is eligible for a free preview:
- Check the Who is Eligible? column above to see which subscribers will receive a free preview
- Next, confirm the plan you're subscribed to in the Fubo app by selecting your profile icon in the top right, then choosing Subscription
If the plan listed above is included in your subscription and you are not seeing the available channels, try fully closing and restarting the Fubo app.