We know how frustrating it is to miss your team in action or miss the finale of your favorite show. If you're experiencing an issue streaming Fubo, normally a few basic steps can get you back up and running:
Check our Status Updates page to see if we're experiencing an outage.
Restart the stream for the event/channel: Change to another channel and then back to the one you were having an issue with.
To sign out, from the menu, select Account or My Profile (or the current profile name), then select Sign Out. Once you've signed out, select the option to sign in.
Fully close or force close the app and then relaunch it.
Restart your streaming device and/or computer:
- Follow the device manufacturer's instructions to do this or perform a hard reset by unplugging the device from power for 1 minute, then rebooting
Uninstall and then reinstall the app on your device.
Note: If you are streaming on a Samsung Smart TV, please disregard this step and move to the next.
Try streaming from another device with the Fubo app, so you can continue watching right now:
- If you are experiencing an issue watching on a TV device such as a Roku or Apple TV, try watching on a mobile device or computer to see if you experience a similar issue
Make sure your internet is fast enough for streaming Fubo - Click here for details.
Unplug your WIFI Router and/or Cable Modem from the power outlet for a minute or so and restart it.
- Wait for your network to come back up and launch Fubo
If you're still experiencing an issue, reach out to us using the link at the bottom of the page.