Yes, you can watch Fubo when away from home, whether traveling or just out and about for the day. Please note that Fubo is available in the United States and United States territories. If you are traveling outside these areas, you will not be able to watch Fubo.
Find additional details below on watching Fubo away from home below.
Watching local channels away from home
Local channels such as ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, Telemundo, etc. will not travel with you. The local programming you receive is based on your location when streaming Fubo.
If you travel away from home, you will receive the local channels that are available where you currently are.
Watching Regional Sports channels away from home
While Regional Sports channels will travel with you, any devices you use outside of your home area must be “checked in” from your home area at least once per 30 days.
This simply means that any compatible device you use when traveling must log in to the Fubo app from your home area once every 30 days in order to continue viewing regional sports programming when away from home.
Streaming on your device while away from home
You can stream Fubo from as many different locations as you’d like, however, you can only stream on connected TV devices (Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Roku, Xbox One) or Smart TVs (Hisense VIDAA, LG, Samsung, Vizio) from one location at a time.
If you attempt to stream Fubo from multiple locations on TV devices, you’ll receive an error indicating that you’re streaming from too many locations.
Supported mobile devices and web browsers can be streamed from multiple locations simultaneously.
Please note: The above article is intended for Fubo customers in the United States and United States territories. For questions about Fubo in Canada, go here.